CONSULTANCY SERVICES Grant No. TF 97118 - (09.01.2013.)
9.01.2013.Republic of Serbia Ministry of Justice and Public Administration Multi Donor Trust Fund for Justice Sector Support in Serbia
The Republic of Serbia has received a Multi-Donor Trust Fund for Justice Sector Support (MDTF-JSS) from various donors, jointly executed by the World Bank and the Ministry of Justice and Public Administration (MOJPA) and intends to apply part of the proceeds of this grant funds to payments under the contract for:
- Consultant for Justice Sector Policy, ref. no. SER-MDTFJSS-TF097118-IC-CS-13-20.
The services of Consultant for Justice Sector Policy include: support MOJPA in subjects of Human Rights (Minorities, Gender, Family violence, people with disabilities and cases of torture) and Rights of the Child with special focus on juvenile justice; support MOJPA in active and substantial cooperation with various Government bodies and international organizations and or agencies; facilitate ongoing MOJPA efforts to combat corruption and, in accordance to the National Strategy for Combating Corruption, facilitating such efforts with the Ministry of Interior (MOI) and the Ministry of Finance and Economy (MOFAE); support Serbia’s active and substantial participation regional cooperation within the Western Balkans context pertaining to organized crime and anti-corruption.
The Consultant for Justice Sector Policy shall be engaged on a contract basis, full-time, as long-term consultant, with the initial duration of the assignment till the end of December, 2013. The contract may be extended depending on performance, business needs and resource availability until an end of the Project. The expected contract start date will be February, 2013.
For Consultant for Justice Sector Policy following is required: advanced degree in law and passed bar exam; at least 5 years of relevant professional experience; familiarity with the structure/functions/organization of the justice sector in Serbia and key justice sector reform issues in Serbia; familiarity in issues pertaining to organized crime, anti-corruption, human rights, rights of the child; familiarity from regional cooperation issues in justice sector context; experience related international relations and organizations in justice sector; experience in research work and training activities; ability to work under pressure, with tight deadlines, in a multicultural environment; and excellent written and oral communications skills in English and Serbian, with the ability to prepare notes and summaries at short notice.
The Project Implementation Unit (PIU) of the Ministry of Justice and Public Administration (MOJPA) now invites eligible individual consultants to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested consultants must provide Cover Letter and CV representing description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions and availability of appropriate skills.
A consultant will be selected in accordance with the IC procedure set out in the “Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers”, published by the World Bank in May 2004 and revised in October 2006 and May 2010.
Interested consultants may obtain further information from the PIU of the MOJPA at the address below from 09:00 to 15:00 hours.
Expressions of interest in English language must be delivered to the e-mail address below by January 24, 2013, 12:00 Noon, local time.
When submitting Expressions of interest please indicate assignment and reference number for which you are applying.
Project Implementation Unit
Ministry of Justice and Public Administration
11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Bircaninova 6
Tel./Fax: +381 11 362 2245