The Minister of Justice and Public Administration Nikola Selaković discussed with the president of the Chamber of Bailiffs Mihailo Dragović and his associates about further progress of this profession required to improve the efficiency of the judicial system in Serbia.
Minister Selaković thanked the representatives of the Chamber of Bailiffs for their visit, and supported their effort for further development and affirmation of the system of bailiffs in Serbia. Selaković stated that in the following period through strengthening of the system, and also through introduction of the notary public system in Serbian judiciary next year, judges would be greatly disencumbered and focused on their basic task - court trials. These two systems will contribute to raising general efficiency of the judicial system, said Minister Selaković.
The representatives of the Chamber of Bailiffs warmly thanked for the assistance the Ministry had offered in the previous period. They pointed out that the Serbian Chamber of Bailiffs had become member of the International Union of Bailiffs in November 2012, and that they had established good cooperation with the colleagues from the region, pointing out that the exchange of experiences with other countries would enable their further development.
On this occasion, the representatives of the Chamber asked the Ministry for assistance needed in potentially risky situations. Minister Selaković informed them that throughout the year the Ministry of Justice and Public Administration would work on preparation of the Draft Law on Judicial Police that would also regulate the matter of necessary assistance and protection of bailiffs in risky circumstances.
At the meeting, Minister Selaković pointed out that special attention had to be given to the potential risk of creating bailiff cartels, and that citizens would not be allowed to perceive bailiffs as debt collectors. “The main goal of bailiffs is to directly contribute to the efficiency of the administration of justice”, concluded Selaković.