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European Integration

Ministry of Justice within its daily activities is activly participated in the process of accession of the Republic of Serbia to the European Union, fulfilment of obligations from tha European Partnership, fulfilment of recommendations from the Annual Progress Reports on Serbia in the process of accession published by the European Commission and after the Stabilization and Association Agreement between Serbia and the EU was signed and ratified, all necessary measures with regards to successive harmonization of national legislation with the EU Acquis communautaire in the field of judiciary were undertaken.

As part of the harmonization of legislation of the Republic of Serbia with the EU Acquis communautaire and introduction of the European standards in the area of judiciary, the Ministry of Justice undertook numerous legislative activities and in the last two years more than thirty laws has been adopted, what at the same time presents a precondition for further European integration process, but also it largely enabled visa liberalization process what resulted whit abolishment of visas for the citizens of Serbia traveling to the Schengen Area countries.

Ministry of Justice was activly participated in the process of revision of the National Programme for Integration of the Republic of Serbia with European Union (NPI) in the part of judiciary. As one of ordinary activities is updating the electronic database of laws and bylaws which has been foreseen as a priority in the NPI. As an integral part of the implementation of NPI, the Government of  the Republic of Serbia has formed the Coordinating Body for the process of accession to the European Union, the Expert Group of the Coordinating Body, as well as subgroups for preparation and negotiations on the accession of the Republic of Serbia to the European Union. Ministry of Justice manages the Subgroup for Justice and Basic Rights and it is also included in the work of other subgroups.

In order to inform the representatives of the European Commission, the Ministry of Justice makes regular reports on undertaken activities on the progress realized in the Serbian judicial system reform and further fight against organized crime and corruption.

After the Republic of Serbia has submitted an application for membership in the European Union, the Ministry of Justice within the process of accession has joined a very demanding process of coordination and preparation of answers to the European Commission Questionnaire in order to gain the status of a candidate, which is expected to be send to Republic of Serbia in the first half of  2010.