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A working group tasked with the production of anti-corruption strategy for 2013-2018 completed its draft on 11 March 2013.

The working group comprised the representatives of relevant government agencies and institutions: Anti-Corruption Agency, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Civil Engineering and Urbanism, Internal Affairs Department, Ministry of Finance and Economy, State Audit Institution, Public Procurement Administration; the representatives of judiciary: Supreme Cassation Court, Judicial Academy, Bar Association of Serbia, and the representatives of non-government organisations Transparency Serbia and Pištaljka.

In addition, the representatives of the media, Anti-Corruption Council, the Cabinet of First Deputy Prime Minister, Republic Public Prosecutor’s Office, the Cabinet of the Speaker of the Serbian National Assembly, and the Director of the Centre for Marketing, Information and Promotion of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Special Advisor to the Minister for Justice and Public Administration and Senior Advisor in the Medical Insurance Department of the Ministry of Health also took part in the production of the Strategy.

The Ministry invites all citizens and the expert public to read the Draft Strategy and comment on it.

Please use the Comment Form below and send your comments to: vlado.bojicic@mpravde.gov.rs

The group’s work continues as it drafts an action plan for the strategy. It will precisely define the criteria and measures to realise the strategy goals.

• Draft National Strategy for Judicial Reform 2013 (Serbian)

• Comment Form